Payment Policy
1. Vendor must sign the Monroe Twp. Department voucher (attached to the Purchase Order, blue in color), certifying that their claim for payment is correct and the vendor accepts the terms and conditions as set forth herein. The vendor then immediately returns the voucher to the Monroe Twp. Utility Department, 143 Union Valley Road, Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 upon placement of order or furnishing the goods or services to the Department.
2. Payments are approved by the Department Board at its business meetings held on the second and third Thursday of each month. Completed and signed vouchers with invoices must be received by the first of the month to be considered for payment at the aforementioned meeting dates.
3. The Monroe Twp. Utility Department does not pay any late fees or interest charges.4. The Monroe Twp. Utility Department tax-exempt from Federal or State taxes under the provision of the New Jersey Sales & Use Tax Act (Chapter 30, Laws of 1960). The MTUD Tax Identification No. is: 22-2009601